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Drone Delivery Market Report 2019-2024

Get insights on drone delivery market

  • Drone delivery will be the top application for drones globally by 2024.
  • Over $300M USD has been invested in drone delivery companies since 2012.
  • Biggest investments continue to be in drone delivery companies like Zipline.
  • Drone delivery companies are likely to partner with both commercial and prominent public sector partners for testing and certification initiatives.

Buy the full drone delivery market report for

  • 83-page deep-analysis of the Drone Delivery market.
  • Ranking of top drone delivery companies and popular applications in XLSX.
  • Drone Readiness Ranking of countries most ready for drone delivery ops.
  • EXCLUSIVE: Drone delivery market forecast for 2018-2024, business analysis, partnerships, investment data, regulatory advice, and future trends.

You can also download a sample of the report for free to preview the analysis.


This DRONEII report provides the most comprehensive breakdown, analysis and forecast of the drone delivery industry. The Drone Delivery Report is based on months of research and analysis by our team, including both secondary data analysis and primary research such as interviews and surveys.

The report is greatly aided by our DRONEII market model which has helped us generate drone delivery market figures.

The DRONEII Market Model is a unique bottom-up approach to measuring the commercial drone market using actual data and primary sources. As a result of this complex model, the figures and topics covered in this report are both comprehensive and reliable.

They are a product of both qualitative and quantitative research and analysis, and a look beyond the hype that drones have experienced in the past few years.

The 83-page Drone Delivery Report contains the most thorough analysis of the drone delivery industry, including market figures for 2018-2024, a technological breakdown, use case analysis, business model analysis, partnerships and investments data, regulatory advice, and future trends and outlook commentary.

It begins with an introduction into the drone delivery industry, followed by look into the technology behind drone deliveries in Chapter 2, including ground infrastructure, software and hardware behind drone deliveries.

After that Chapter 3 delves into drone delivery use cases, explaining how they can vary and be understood.

Chapter 4, meanwhile, delves into business cases within drone deliveries outlining the key factors for consideration in setting up a business within the drone delivery market.

In Chapter 5 both the total commercial drone market size, shares and growth have been produced and the drone delivery market size and growth for 2018-2024Chapter 5 also looks at strategic partnerships on the drone delivery market, including both commercial and public/private partnerships, and key market developments including global drone delivery activity by country.

The chapter concludes with a competitive Drone Delivery Company Ranking, calculated using data on company activity on the drone delivery market. Meanwhile, in Chapter 6 global drone regulations are dissected and compared in order to provide a comparative regulatory study of drone deliveries.

Finally, Chapter 7 provides an outlook and future trends perspective on drone delivery industry developments – utilizing primary data and secondary analysis to provide reasoned advice and a forecast. In order to deliver an understanding of the key players in the drone delivery industry, Chapter 8 catalogues market players and provides key company profile information on them.

Executive Summary


Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Study Deliverables
1.2 Scope & Methodology
1.3 Drones: Where Did They Come From?
1.4 Drones: What Do They Look Like?
1.5 Drones: What Can They Be Used For?
1.6 How Did Drone Deliveries Start?
1.7 The Drone Market Environment
1.8 The Drone Market Segmentation
1.9 The Drone Delivery Market Map

Chapter 2: The Technology Around Drone Deliveries

2.1 How Did Drone Deliveries Start?
2.2 Ground Infrastructure
2.3 Hardware
2.4 Platform Design
2.5 Platform Performance
2.6 Software
2.7 Drone Deliveries and Levels of Autonomy

Chapter 3: Drone Delivery Use Cases

3.1 How Did Drone Deliveries Start?
3.2 The Drone Delivery Chain
3.3 Drone Delivery Types
3.4 Use Case Variations
3.5 Case Studies

Chapter 4: Business Models in Drone Deliveries

4.1 Drone Delivery Market Opportunities
4.2 Drone Delivery Business Models

Chapter 5: The Drone Delivery Market

5.1 The Drone Delivery Market 2018-2024
5.2 Market Developments
5.3 Drone Delivery Investments
5.4 Drone Delivery Partnerships
5.5 Drone Delivery Company Ranking

Chapter 6: Drone Deliveries and Regulations 

6.1 Definitions
6.2 History of Regulations
6.3 The Drone Readiness Index
6.4 National Commercial Drone Regulations
6.5 International and European Commercial Drone Regulations
6.6 A Regional UTM System: U-Space
6.7 FAA Regulations and Integration Programs

Chapter 7: Drone Delivery Trends and Outlook

7.1 Market Projections and Outlook
7.2 Tech Advancements
7.3 Legislative Changes on the Horizon
7.4 Public Acceptance
7.5 Industry Implications

Chapter 8: Company Profiles

8.1 Definitions


Table 1: Drone Delivery Ground Infrastructure
Table 2: Drone Delivery Platform Types
Table 3: Developed vs. Developing Market Rationale for Drone Deliveries
Table 4: Drone Delivery Business Opportunities According to Sub-Segments
Table 5: Top 10 Drone Delivery Investments in 2012-2019
Table 6: Key Commercial Drone Delivery Partnerships of 2012-2019
Table 7: Key Public/Private Drone Delivery Partnerships of 2012-2019
Table 8: Countries Examined in the Drone Readiness Index (DRI)
Table 9: The Drone Readiness Index (DRI) Ranking
Table 10: National Drone Regulations of the No1 Country in DRI
Table 11: National Drone Regulations of the No2 Country in DRI
Table 12: National Drone Regulations of the No3 Country in DRI
Table 13: National Drone Regulations of the No4 Country in DRI
Table 14: National Drone Regulations of the No5 Country in DRI
Table 15: National Drone Regulations of the No6 Country in DRI
Table 16: National Drone Regulations of the No7 Country in DRI
Table 17: National Drone Regulations of the No8 Country in DRI
Table 18: National Drone Regulations of the No9 Country in DRI
Table 19: National Drone Regulations of the No10 Country in DRI
Table 20: ISO Committees on Drones
Table 21: U-Space Timeline of Activities and Services


Chart 1: Understanding the Drone Delivery Market Puzzle
Chart 2: Report Methodology
Chart 3: Drone Hardware
Chart 4: Drone Software
Chart 5: Drone Services
Chart 6: Drone Application Methods
Chart 7: The Drone Market Environment Map 4.0
Chart 8: Commercial Drone Market Segmentation
Chart 9: The Drone Delivery Market Map
Chart 10: Drone Delivery Hardware (Example/Source: Wing)
Chart 11: Platform Performance According to Drone Delivery Type
Chart 12: Drone Delivery Software Infrastructure
Chart 13: The 5 Levels of Drone Autonomy
Chart 14: The Drone Delivery Chain
Chart 15: Vendor to PoC Delivery Workflow
Chart 16: Distribution Center to PoC Delivery Workflow
Chart 17: Distribution Center to Hub Delivery Workflow
Chart 18: Hub to Hub Delivery Workflow
Chart 19: Goods Currently Being Delivered by Drones vs. the Future Potential of Goods to be Delivered by Drone
Chart 20: Global Drone Delivery Activity
Chart 21: Top 20 Drone Delivery Companies According to the Drone Delivery Company Ranking
Chart 22: History of Drone Regulations and Deliveries
Chart 23: EU Regulatory Structure vis-à-vis Drones
Chart 24: The Feedback Loop – How Ethical Concerns Feed into Social Acceptance of Drones


Graph 1: The Commercial Drone Market (2019-2024)
Graph 2: The Commercial Drone Market by Application Method (2019-2024)
Graph 3: The Drone Delivery Market (2019-2024)
Graph 4: Survey Respondents’ Assessment of the Most Important Market-Driving Actors in the Drone Industry; Source: The Drone Industry Barometer 2019, June 2019

A2Z Drone Delivery
Amazon Prime Air
Arone Aerial Logistics
Average Drone RC
China Post
Connect Robotics
Drone Delivery Canada
Droneship Africa
Grupo Sese
Indro Robotics
Japan Post
Kamome Air
Manna Aero
Manna Robotics
Rakuten Drone
Redwing Labs
RPS Aerosapce
SF Express China
Swoop Aero
Uber Eats
UPS Flight Forward, Inc.
ZTO Express


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  • Drone Delivery Company Ranking of 52 market players in .xlsx
  • Drone Delivery Platform List of 92 platforms .xlsx
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