The most common drone applications are the ones making use of something almost every drone has: a built-in camera. Many industries such as Energy and Real Estate make heavy use of drones for Inspections while drones are used for Mapping & Surveying in several industries such as Construction, Transportation Agriculture and Professional/Scientific Services, among others. Our infographic shows which methods are being used the most in 15 industry verticals and what percentage of drone applications in each industry fall under each method (i.e. 14% of drone applications in Energy are for Mapping & Surveying while 83% are for Inspections).
Here’s an excerpt from our our blog post using this infographic:
“Twenty years ago, many people thought there was no need for a minicomputer in their pockets, and now most people own a smartphone because its applications revolutionized communication, entertainment, and banking [among other things]. Today, hundreds of companies are finding that a good drone operator with the right drone can do things faster, at a lower cost, and with greater safety for everyone involved. Good hardware and software are…”